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Online learning from one of the worlds leading Wing Chun teachers. Alan has 35 years experience is a renowned teacher of Wing Chun and has trained his Iron Wolves fight team for over 20 years. They are the leading Wing Chun trained fight team to compete in MMA, K1, Boxing. His team also complete in BJJ as Alan is also a BJJ black belt.
Sign up here for FREE MEMBERS BLOG where you will have access to free training lessons and updates.
Alan has written hundreds of articles from MAI, Wing Chun Illustrated, Wing Chun Origins Magazine, as well has being the editor of MMA Uncaged Magazine for 3 years. He now teaches in Tauranga New Zealand and
travels the world each year teaching seminars.
His courses and mentor program have helped people in over 30 countries to learn Wing Chun and also improve skills in all areas of the martial arts. Alan has a great insight into learning and as a practitioner in Chinese Medicine, Personal Training and NLP practitioner he has the coaching skills to make you the best you can be.
24/7 Access to in depth courses on everything Wing Chun from Internal to live Sparring, plus Grappling, Conditioning and much more.
Also access to Alan’s Inner Members blog which is hundreds of private training lessons and private coaching.
From beginner to Advanced this is for you !