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Wing Chun – Structure or no Structure that is the question!

My teacher Robert Chu after years of training and research developed some basic tests to see if one had an understanding and ability to control pressure with the frame of Wing Chun’s stance. This is very important to be able to control ones balance and use of power. Since that time the Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun system has developed its whole approach to teaching based on the key principles of structural base.

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On Chi Sao

In Wing Chun we have a unique method of training our awareness skills called ‘Chi Sao’, often known as ‘Sticking Hands’. This name, however, does not really do justice to what is a unique method of developing not only tactile skills but also a complex mental awareness and understanding of timing, space, distance, pressure and so on. I say complex as at first it is, but once learnt and trained it then becomes a part of your normal thinking and seems to be just your body’s common sense.

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Maximizing Your Wing Chun Kuen Power

In this article I wish to present to you some methods of maximizing your power by using proper Chu Sau Lei Body Structure methods. I remember reading one of Matt Furey’s articles which was titled something like ‘What if everything you knew about grappling was wrong?’ At the time it caused quite a stir as he was promoting catch wrestling and many people had never seen the ideas he was presenting.

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