Close Quarter Sparring Weekend Workshop with Duane Harper and Aaron Baum
The concept of the weekend was to get the attendees familiar with sparring and close quarter fighting as well as glove-based drills and bag work. Split over two days with specific concepts and themes in manageable sections. Day one saw Duane Harper workshop, a jab cross and hook combination on the bag including footwork to enter and leave safely then moved into Dutch style drilling to get people used to contact with each other and the feel of blocking things that would come later. After this we moved into 2-minute rounds of hyper focused specific sparring, where we film each round one at a time then analyze the results straight away afterwards. We then, after feedback and Q&A, work out any problems and find the solutions to use going into the next round. Overall, we did around 5 or 6 rounds and by the end the level of everyone involved had clearly improved highly. Day Two saw Aaron Baum teach a kicking clinic in the morning that fit perfectly around the previous day’s material. How and when to confidently throw low kicks whilst following all the sparring protocols. He demonstrated many nice step ups and worked with everyone to make sure they got the feel of things. After the break it was gloves on with sparring drills focused on keeping hands up whilst moving, blocking punches safely and again more Kicks. Aaron really took the time to get the details across then ended the camp with a good old fashioned Milling session. Overall, a successful weekend with friends made, punches thrown and great meal out on Saturday!
Roll on December 9-10 for the next one. Keighley North Yorkshire
Fantastic, no doubt a great active learning experience for all who were present. 👹🙏🏽